
Admiston’s mining services cover scoping, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, detailed mine design and layouts, production scheduling and equipment selection, determination of reserves consistent with all internationally recognised reporting standards, geotechnical studies, geophysical studies, operating cost estimation and capital expenditure estimation, drill and blast and load and haul services

Our Mining Services include:

Assessment of impact of groundwater on open pit design

Operational assistance, reviews and improvements

Mining method analysis and selection

Mining production capability assessment

Mine equipment optimisation and selection 

Iterative open pit optimisation and design 

Stockpile and waste dump design 

Capital and operating cost estimation 

Structural analysis

Structural mapping

Pit slope stability modelling and design

Estimation of manpower and management requirements

Grade control system design

Near mine geophysics

Independent expert reports

Production scheduling and blending 

Near mine exploration targeting

Resource estimation

Advanced 3D modelling

Pit mapping

Risk analyses

Development and implementation of optimal mining strategies

The full range of studies from scoping to detailed feasibility

Mining engineering and infrastructure design

Geometallurgical assessment and modelling

Optimisation of blasting patterns, powder factors and fragmentation 

Our reserve determination and classification

Geotechnical mapping and modeling

Mining logistics capability assessments